Jacky Michaels

Jacky Michaels

Senior Lecturer - Marketing

Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam.

University is a advanced web solution for training and education organization. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
UE-004 Student Exchange Program Information Sessions 5 Hours December 23, 2015
UE-003 Vegie Garden Wednesday Workshops 4 Hours December 22, 2015


Knowledge from physical, biological and behavioral sciences, medicine including alternative systems and nursing in providing nursing care. h


Prepare nurse to practice at 1st level position in the hospital and community to provide primary secondary and territory health care.


Since nursing provides and will undoubtedly continue to provide a large part of health care, the training of nurses should equip them with professional expertise to meet the changing demands of society their expanding role therein.


Utilize the latest trends and technology in providing health care. Demonstrate skills in teaching to individual and group in clinical / community health settings.


As well conceived response to the growing demands for professionally trained nurses we are providing nursing Education to the Candidates Under our society with good Staff. Read More...


Email: fnscnspn@gmail.com
Phone: +91-5842-280210, 9415119317, 9236080095
Address:- Mouzampur, N.H.-24,Bareilly Road Shahjahanpur U.P.INDIA Pin-242001